Friday, February 6, 2009

So I guess it's time for another update. 2009 is upon us, and everything is rolling right along! Here's what's going on...

We went to 9 weddings this year. Yes, 9 weddings. We already have 7 for this year, but I don't believe we'll be able to make it to them all! Hopefully we'll get to at least 5!

Josh is going to Puerto Rico in March to use their telescope. He'll be using the one on the James Bond movie. Direct any questions to him! He may also be going to Australia this summer for his doctorate work.

I am still at Mylan. It's almost been a year! Time flies... I really do love the people I work with!

I miss all you crazies who aren't near me. Let's get together, ok?

I'll update sometime soon. I promise, ok?

Happy weekend!


Margueasio said...

Liz what up?

Katie said...

Still waiting for an UPDATE, pal!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know u had a blog!! Cool!